The Physicalisation of Risk Models
Karlijn Wiggers
Modern technologies can cause riskful situations. These risks are analysed by risk engineering experts through technical models such as fault trees, but these models are not always understandable for non-experts. This research aims at designing an attractive physicalization that makes fault trees more understandable to non-experts. Based on literature about problems with engineering explanations, the effectiveness of fault trees and visualization techniques, a design of an interactive marble track is created. This marble track shows the most basic features of a fault tree. Experts approve of a prototype of this design, but would also like to show more difficult fault tree concepts with it. Evaluation with non-expert through a digital survey and a video of the installation shows that a prototype of the marble track is considered to be attractive and increases confidence about understanding. However, no significant difference in understanding is found between participants being exposed to the installation and participants only reading a text about fault trees. Further research needs to be done in a physical manner and on a larger number of participants with a higher variance in backgrounds in order to obtain a more complete view on the influence of the marble track on understanding the concept of fault trees.